Frequently Asked Questions

Find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our service
  • Is PlagiarismSearch really able to identify plagiarism? provides an accurate plagiarism analysis of the scanned text. Your paper will be compared to billions of web pages and sources from various databases. The plagiarized parts will be marked with different colors. Please check these sentences to see if they contain a reference to the source, if you want to eliminate possible plagiarism charges from your educator.

  • Will my paper be saved at any databases by PlagiarismSearch?

    No. Your paper will not be added to any databases by PlagiarismSearch.

  • How can I be sure that you are not going to use the texts I have submitted for checking?

    Our rules and policies are very strict regarding your rights. You can go through them carefully, so that every aspect will be clear to you.

  • Does scan every written or printed text submitted?

    Although checks through a considerable number of written materials, it is impossible to check each and every document that has been written, printed, or published. Some books which have not been converted to digital format cannot be included in the in digital database of PlagiarismSearch.

  • Is PlagiarismSearch dependable when it comes to accuracy?

    In terms of accuracy and precision in plagiarism analysis reports, PlagiarismSearch demonstrates its dependence. This tool uses the latest sophisticated software and technologies to make a comparison of the required content against numerous web pages and additional sources from a variety of databases. Thus, there is a minor likelihood of inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the plagiarism reports, but we keep upgrading the tool.

  • Is it safe to use PlagiarismSearch for business purposes?

    We keep working on the technological advancements in PlagiarismSearch to improve the efficiency of our online tool for plagiarism check. Moreover, we ensure access of the tool to robust databases, taking the privacy issues very seriously. All of the content of personal databases is kept confidential and secure since PlagiarismSearch uses the encrypted connection SSL. You can upload the file you need by clicking on the option “add new.” Scanning starts when all the required documents are added. 

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