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Power Up Your Business with PlagiarismSearch.com Affiliates

Gain a 15% recurring lifetime commission for every sale of our professional plagiarism checker and AI content detector, recognized by millions worldwide.

How It Works

Explore our affiliate program below and kickstart your academic year on the right note!

  • Step 1
    Sign Up
    Register an account with us to receive an individual affiliate link for directing your traffic.
  • Step 2
    Advertise PlagiarismSearch
    Introduce PlagiarismSearch to your audience by sharing your affiliate link within relevant content.
  • Step 3
    Get Paid
    Earn money swiftly with timely payouts when your referral makes a purchase.
Join our authentic community now.
And dive into the distinct advantages of the professional software.
  • Why Join Us?

    Dive into the authentic advantages

  • User-friendly interface
    Get the best experience with our easy to use and interactive design
  • Guaranteed confidentiality
    Your data is safe here! It is guaranteed by our terms of use and privacy policy
  • Effective algorithms
    Plagiarism detection has gone far! We offer a great alternative to turnitin
  • Reasonable pricing
    No one wants to pay more, so check out our seasonal discounts and great affiliate program
  • Plenty of happy customers
    The database of satisfied customers is growing every day. Check our Trustpilot.

Discover Our Affiliate Program

Unlock rewards through our two affiliate models at PlagiarismSearch.com. Tailor your benefits to your liking—opt for cash commissions or service credits.

Elevated Cash Commission
+15% Lifetime Commission
20% of Initial Commission Earn 20% commission on the first purchase of every referred client.
15% Lifetime Commission Continue to earn 15% on all subsequent purchases made by your referrals.
  1. User-friendly dashboard to monitor your earnings
  2. High conversion rates (20-30%)
  3. Exceptionally generous 90-days cookie window
  4. Professional affiliate support
Service Credits Earnings
Referral Discount
Earn Matching Service Credits Receive service credits equal to the amount your referrals spend.
20% discount for Your Referrals Your affiliates enjoy a 20% discount on their purchases, enhancing the attractiveness of an offer.
  1. User-friendly dashboard to monitor your earnings
  2. High conversion rates (20-30%)
  3. Exceptionally generous 90-days cookie window
  4. Professional affiliate support

Frequently Asked Questions

Get quick and helpful information addressing common queries and concerns about our affiliate program.
  • Who can become a PlagiarismSearch affiliate?

    Each registered PlagiarismSearch user is welcome to become our affiliate. Over time, individuals such as digital marketers, content creators, bloggers, marketing agencies, and influencers have been successful as PlagiarismSearch.com affiliates. If you are none of the above, you may also join our affiliate program by referring your friends to our service.

  • What is the minimum payout for cash commissions?

    You may request your earnings to be transferred to your payment account as soon as you have 50$ or more on your balance.

  • Is there a payment for becoming a PlagiarismSearch.com affiliate?

    No. Our affiliate program is free of charge.

  • Is it necessary to purchase PlagiarismSearch products prior to becoming an affiliate?

    No. To join our affiliate program, you need to register yourself with our platform, but it is not necessary to make a purchase of the service.

  • Is there a limit of the referrals I may bring to PlagiarismSearch.com?

    No, there is no limit of the referrals. We encourage you to spread awareness about our services to as many people as possible.

  • Where can I view my earnings and credits?

    When you are logged in to your account, go to My Profile on the top right corner and choose Invite Friends from the menu. Scroll down the page to see your individual affiliate link and your earnings/credits.

  • Couldn't find the answer to your question?

    We would like to hear from you! PlagiarismSearch team is here to respond to all your inquiries. Send us your questions, suggestions, and comments using the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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