Our mission and core values
We believe that our checker makes the world a little more educated about plagiarism
Our mission
Mission to make the world a better place, where words and ideas are appreciated and given credits to. Our goal lies in educating the wide public about plagiarism and its prevention.
Therefore, we compiled a great stack of tips both for students and professors regarding plagiarism.
As a part of our mission, we acknowledge Plagiarism Prevention Day which is celebrated on February 19. This year, we decided to run an essay contest in order to spread awareness regarding our educational mission, and at the same time, give a chance to all to win three different accounts at PlagiarismSearch.

Why Plagiarism Occurs Anyways?
Most of the time plagiarism happens due to confusion regarding the assignment, improper citing of the source and rarely for the purpose of ‘stealing’ someone else's work.
In both academic and digital world, plagiarism is a critical issue that can destroy someone's career in a moment. By citing properly, following basic rules of courtesy and integrity, we at PlagiarismSearch believe we can educate a new, honest generation of conscious Internet users.
As a part of our mission we aim to spread awareness regarding plagiarism and ways to avoid it.
In addition, our advanced plagiarism checker works for the purpose of securing one's reputation and integrity. Most of the plagiarism happens unintentionally, therefore an extra check before final submission could be a life savior.

Our Core Values

So, if you are looking for a good plagiarism checker, timely service and affordable prices, remember us and we would be there for you.