Why choose PlagiarismSearch checker?

PlagiarismSearch is a team of innovation enthusiasts who acknowledge the value of authenticity and integrity

Our mission

Mission to make the world a better place, where words and ideas are appreciated and given credits to. Our goal lies in educating the wide public about plagiarism and its prevention.

Therefore, we compiled a great stack of tips both for students and professors regarding plagiarism.

500,000 Clients
Our network of students, professors, and bloggers
100% Privacy Policy
We guarantee absolute confidentiality of our clients

Safe detection & All text formats acceptance

During the scanning process, your text will not be added to any online database. Search engines like Google, AOL, Yahoo, Bing, etc. cannot scan plagiarism report pages so your text will not appear on the Internet.

Check your documents in all available formats:
doc, docx, txt, RTF, PDF, xls, xlsx, html, epub, xml, odt, org etc.

24/7 Support
Feel free to contact our support team at any time and enjoy instant assistance.
Reasonable prices
We provide high-quality services at affordable prices.
  • Efficient algorithms
    Our multi-layer algorithm system allows scanning your paper through billions of webpages and huge offline documents database. Our plagiarism search engine provides homoglyphs detection and sentence structure checking, thus ensuring the perfect quality of the service.
  • Convenient reports
    You have an opportunity to store or delete your reports at your profile page. You can download reports in PDF and print them out.

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