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A Thin Line Between Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism

Plagiarism and copyright infringement are more or less given the same meanings by most people. There might be some similarities between the two terms but they should not be used as perfect synonyms for each other because they are not. They also have big differences which make them imperfect synonyms. Here is how these two are defined. Copyright infringement only happens to works which have been covered by copyright. The particular act of infringement happens when someone else, someone who has not asked permission from the creator of the copyrighted work used it. When you would ask permission from the creator of a copyrighted work, ...

What is Systematic Plagiarism?

Plagiarism has become widespread because there are more temptations now, with all the ready-made and readily available information just lying around in the Internet. There are different kinds of plagiarism, one of which is systematic plagiarism. Systematic plagiarism is the type which is intentionally and all-knowingly committed. This is so much unlike the accidental plagiarism which is not knowingly done by a person. Systematic plagiarism has plagued the gates of the learning institutions because this is usually resorted to by students time and time again for the papers that they were told to make. Even the newspapers have cases ...

Truth and Their Evidences about Plagiarism

Listed below are the current neat facts about plagiarism: Based on the research conducted by The Center for Academy Integrity, there are approximately 80% of students in the tertiary level who confessed to have cheated at the minimum count of once.Psychological Record survey revealed that 36% in the undergraduate level have owned up to commit plagiarism of papers.There are 90% of pupils who supposed that those who cheat are those who have either never been fittingly confronted of their actions and those who have never been seized of doing so according to US News and World Reports survey data.This information comes from the State ...

There are No Excuses for Plagiarism

There are some statements and arguments that justify the act of plagiarism. In fact, there are some people that make the act of plagiarizing somewhat acceptable. But is there really a good side about plagiarism? There is an argument that plagiarism should only be a concern when someone caught doing it is making money out of copied articles. With this, there are some people that are guilty of plagiarizing that can be tolerated in doing such an illegal act. Students submitting their final requirement or blog entries that do not make money out of it cannot be considered as plagiarism if the original idea be followed. But should ...

The New Era on Plagiarism

During the old times before internet was invented plagiarism was already widespread. But potential plagiarists are more focused then, because they need to do researches to a limited resource in the library and dedicatedly copy them by hand. During those times cheating through that way has a very high risk of being discovered. Now through the internet, plagiarists are able to do their researches in a wide variety of links and websites. Without much time and dedication they can copy and paste different information and put them altogether to create an entire term paper or essay. Because they copy the information from different ...

The Different Types of Plagiarism

Knowing the different types of plagiarism is a significant step towards the prevention of plagiarism. Some people define plagiarism as the copy or borrow of other person’s work, but the words “copy” and “borrow” could actually conceal the gravity of the offense of plagiarism. The types of plagiarism wherein the sources are not cited are: “The Poor Disguise”, “The Ghost Writer”, “The Photocopy”, “The Potluck Paper”, “The Self Stealer”, and “The Labor of Laziness”. The Poor Disguise. What the writers do in this type of ...

Prevent the Act of Plagiarism

There may be people who feel that they are not capable of writing something meaningful without the use of different sources and use it as part of their work, just so they would become recognized by a lot of people as well as feel as if they were able to fulfill something worthwhile since they were able to make use of another person’s work. But this kind of thinking should not be tolerated since every person has been blessed with a unique kind of way in terms of perceiving things as well as thinking about various perspectives in life, which means that each one would surely be able to come up with something significant. People, ...

Classification of Plagiarism

Plagiarism, the use of the work of others and misrepresenting those works as your own, is one of the most common forms of dishonesty nowadays. What further heightens plagiarism is the accessibility of information online, as well as electronic books and libraries. Just like other things, accessibility of information has its own drawbacks. The growth and success of the people are threatened by the increase rate of plagiarism that is why steps to prevent them need to be taken. Reasons Why People PlagiarizePeople plagiarize because they want to get things done quickly. They choose the convenience and having more free time over ...

18 Main Terms in Plagiarism

There are many terms that are operatively used in the cases of plagiarism. Everybody should understand every bit that these terminologies mean. They might be able to help you in tight spots that you might possibly get in with regards to plagiarism. As with other things, knowing the basic concepts, like the terms that an idea uses, would help you to better understand more complicated things. Here are the common terms used in tackling cases of plagiarism. 1. Attribution The part where you let the reader know the sources of some of the contents of your work 2. Bibliography This is an organized and usually alphabetized list of ...

Plagiarism: How Can you Steer Clear From It

When one does research, when one needs to use the world wide web to come up with materials to use as back up to the topic that is at hand…all these are possible instances when an individual could, inadvertently commit plagiarism. Once you know the rules and what not to do, you can be a more cautious writer, who uses different types of tools and materials, but who is able to pass a work that is original and unique. Terms that you could use to make sure that the original writer is given acknowledgement and is written in your bibliography with the right form of recognition, then plagiarism is avoided. The internet is, ...

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