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The New Era on Plagiarism

During the old times before internet was invented plagiarism was already widespread. But potential plagiarists are more focused then, because they need to do researches to a limited resource in the library and dedicatedly copy them by hand. During those times cheating through that way has a very high risk of being discovered. Now through the internet, plagiarists are able to do their researches in a wide variety of links and websites. Without much time and dedication they can copy and paste different information and put them altogether to create an entire term paper or essay. Because they copy the information from different ...

The Different Types of Plagiarism

Knowing the different types of plagiarism is a significant step towards the prevention of plagiarism. Some people define plagiarism as the copy or borrow of other person’s work, but the words “copy” and “borrow” could actually conceal the gravity of the offense of plagiarism. The types of plagiarism wherein the sources are not cited are: “The Poor Disguise”, “The Ghost Writer”, “The Photocopy”, “The Potluck Paper”, “The Self Stealer”, and “The Labor of Laziness”. The Poor Disguise. What the writers do in this type of ...

Prevent the Act of Plagiarism

There may be people who feel that they are not capable of writing something meaningful without the use of different sources and use it as part of their work, just so they would become recognized by a lot of people as well as feel as if they were able to fulfill something worthwhile since they were able to make use of another person’s work. But this kind of thinking should not be tolerated since every person has been blessed with a unique kind of way in terms of perceiving things as well as thinking about various perspectives in life, which means that each one would surely be able to come up with something significant. People, ...

Classification of Plagiarism

Plagiarism, the use of the work of others and misrepresenting those works as your own, is one of the most common forms of dishonesty nowadays. What further heightens plagiarism is the accessibility of information online, as well as electronic books and libraries. Just like other things, accessibility of information has its own drawbacks. The growth and success of the people are threatened by the increase rate of plagiarism that is why steps to prevent them need to be taken. Reasons Why People PlagiarizePeople plagiarize because they want to get things done quickly. They choose the convenience and having more free time over ...

Plagiarism: How Can you Steer Clear From It

When one does research, when one needs to use the world wide web to come up with materials to use as back up to the topic that is at hand…all these are possible instances when an individual could, inadvertently commit plagiarism. Once you know the rules and what not to do, you can be a more cautious writer, who uses different types of tools and materials, but who is able to pass a work that is original and unique. Terms that you could use to make sure that the original writer is given acknowledgement and is written in your bibliography with the right form of recognition, then plagiarism is avoided. The internet is, ...

Plagiarism Facts

Whether it is your intention to plagiarize or not, for the publishers, educational sectors, and for the law, you are violating the copyright laws, and you will surely be given disciplinary measures. If you have amassed money from copying other’s works, you will have to pay fines that is ten times the amount that you have gained, and you will be put in jail for up to ten years. Educational problems are usually the cause of plagiarism. Students who have instructors who are attentive to the students and are really into the education process are most likely to prevent wrongdoings. Plagiarism does not do any good to all those ...

Plagiarism and Fraud

FraudApart from property concerns such as trademark and copyright, the plagiarist also commits fraud. The plagiarist is aware that he is not the real author of a text or document and still he uses it deliberately and even goes so far as putting his name to it. Terms such as ‘academic misconduct’ used to describe plagiarism is simply an understatement because without doubt, plagiarism is the same as fraud. Fraud and plagiarism are two terms that just seem to go side by side. When one commits fraud, one intentionally twists the truth to persuade and encourage one to believe that what is saying, stating or printing is ...

Pervasiveness of Plagiarism

There are already many plagiarism instances in the past. Some of these plagiarism acts are done even by famous people. Some of the events are even famous because of the act itself. There are also events that are not famous but are still great example of plagiarism. What follows are list of plagiarism acts done over time. During his 1988 nomination as a Democrat president, Senator Joseph Biden was asked to step down and revoke the nomination because he was found out to commit plagiarism which resulted to failed grades during his years in law school. People also found out that he copied most of his speeches from Senator Robert ...

Kinds of Plagiarism

Research and plagiarism are two very different activities. But it is often hard to find the apparent cut between these two. There are times when researchers get to the point of a detour from a real study to mere plagiarism either unintentionally or not. Moreover, some forms of plagiarism occur in a very confusing manner. Thus, it is fitting for us to be aware of how plagiarism may take place to prevent all forms of it. No references mentioned “The Potluck Paper”A range of sources are used where sentences are taken from but these statements are then altered for personal interest of owning the certain concept. Altered ...

Intentional and Unintentional Plagiarism – Part 2

Now we go to every student’s favorite mistake, cutting and pasting. With the internet over flowing with information and research, student’s get tempted or down right think it is easier to just cut and paste sentences and paragraphs that they think will go together. A lot of them do not understand that they should be the one to make their own concept and ideas, and in the process learn. What they do is look for specific information and just mixed them together. Fortunately it is easy to detect these kinds of plagiarism with the same tool they used to plagiarize, the internet. The internet has websites that offer ...

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