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Truth and Their Evidences about Plagiarism
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Truth and Their Evidences about Plagiarism

Listed below are the current neat facts about plagiarism:

  • Based on the research conducted by The Center for Academy Integrity, there are approximately 80% of students in the tertiary level who confessed to have cheated at the minimum count of once.
  • Psychological Record survey revealed that 36% in the undergraduate level have owned up to commit plagiarism of papers.
  • There are 90% of pupils who supposed that those who cheat are those who have either never been fittingly confronted of their actions and those who have never been seized of doing so according to US News and World Reports survey data.
  • This information comes from the State of Americans: This Generation and the Next (Free Press, July 1996), 58.3 % of secondary level students allow their fellow s to cheat their assignments and other school work. Moreover, this percentage increased to 97.5% in year 1989.
  • From the office of student affairs all over the country, there are 257 key persons who assume that there is still a lack of effort in the part of the schools in combating the problem of plagiarism; this is based on the case study done by Ronald M. Aaron and Robert T. Georgia titled Administrator Perceptions of Student Academic Dishonesty in Collegiate Institutions.
  • Gallup Organization (October 6-9, 2000) declared two main streams of problems. these are in the fields of education and in the ethical behaviour of people. These two give more problems than all the other problems gathered all together.
  • Education Weeks poll result showed that 74% of pupils had divulged doing serious or grave plagiarism; 54% of pupils had committed plagiarism in internet; and 47% of pupils think that those in authority like their teachers lack the initiative to give disciplinary actions to cheaters.
  • Furthermore, most teachers find less urge in ceasing such dishonesty in students though it is already an obvious fact.
  • It was found out that 55% of instructors are not really interested in exerting effort to address and record accounts of plagiarism among students, this is revealed in the study, Faculty responses to Academic Dishonesty: The Influence of Honor Codes by Donald l. McCabe.
  • A San Luis Obispo once said that he would rather turn a blind eye on cheating rather than recognize its presence.
  • A Stanford University professor also said that some would not bother acting like detective just to double check whether the paper being submitted is a plagiarized work or not.
  • If you do want to check, you would be scouring millions of Internet sources.

Another source said that even the academe purposely does not take notice of the issue of plagiarism. It was like everybody knows that it is present but no one wants to acknowledge this bitter piece of truth.

Melissa Anderson
Born in Greenville, North Carolina. Studied Commerce at Pitt Community College. Volunteer in various international projects aimed at environmental protection.
Former Customer Service Manager at OpenTeam | Former Company secretary at Chicago Digital Post | PlagiarismSearch Communications Manager
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