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Combating Plagiarism – part 2

Note-taking of “borrowed” ideasBefore putting your thoughts into words and before using the ideas of others in a paper, it is of much importance to know the details of all other sources. For instance, the internet links like the website from which you take some concepts in your paper, this should be found written along with other various references. You can also use other techniques to separate “borrowed” concepts from yours like highlighting them through colored pens (if you read it from printed media like books and newspapers) and (if it is from the internet or in soft copy) you can use different font ...

Combating plagiarism – part 1

There are times when you find it hard to properly cite you sources due to some uncertainties. One of which is being confused which ideas are originally yours and which are absolutely referred from others. This case occurs when one has somewhat similar ideas with a source. When you modify the phrases from a reference, does this still require proper citation? Ignorance of what to do when we encounter citation problems would probably lead to plagiarism. And to be able to avoid such, here are some relevant guidelines: Proper consultation with research instructorsTeachers know best when it comes to the research paper they assign to ...

Aspects Writers Should Know about Plagiarism

Plagiarism has many forms. The most common and obvious definition of it is the copying of someone else’s thoughts or ideas and declaring it as one’s own work. But this is not just the main concept of plagiarism. Anything that is not the original ideas and thoughts of the writer when stated in a written discourse without proper referencing is considered as plagiarism. So when writing articles or other write-ups, writers should cite the sources to avoid plagiarism. Changing someone else’s words still does not qualify as an original thought. Paraphrasing can still be considered plagiarism if without proper ...

Advanced Information Technology and Plagiarism

Rampant Cases of PlagiarismCases of plagiarism are rampant and are becoming uncontrollable. We can put the blame on the fast advancement of technologies. To be more specific, it is the internet technology which is now the most used medium to gather information. Not only that internet is very sophisticated but also, it is accessible to most. Decades ago, plagiarism only takes place when one copy ideas from instructional materials like books but now, it has become widespread as internet connection is almost available in every part of the world. The internet enables the people to access on almost all the needed information they want ...

How to Avoid Plagiarism Part 2

In writing a paper which uses other people’s ideas incorporated to the article, one should take note of these important reminders: • Know the proper paraphrasing rules Paraphrasing is one way of putting other sources’ idea into your own words. With this, one should rewrite the original idea using different words and sentence structure. However, this does not mean that simply changing the word of the original text qualify as a paraphrase. The idea of the original author should clearly be seen in the paraphrased text while using one’s own words. Moreover, despite the changes in the sentence, citation is still ...

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