How to Write a Good Definition Essay
What is a definition essay about? When writing this type of paper, you are to deal with a term defining a specific object. Therefore, you need to choose a certain definition, analyze it and create a top-notch piece of writing. Note that it is better to describe an abstract notion rather than the concrete one. For example, everyone will agree about the definition of a dog or a car. The first is a four-legged animal covered with fur that says “bow-wow”. The second is a means of transport having four wheels and taking people from one place to another. The point is that it is easier and more interesting to produce a paper on the abstract issue. Therefore, try to pick a great subject among an immense diversity of definition essay topics. When examining an abstract matter, you will be able to share your experience in a particular field. For instance, such terms as love, truth, faith and others are perfect for creating an impressive definition essay.
Interesting Topics for Writing a Definition Essay
- Hatred
- Betrayal
- Natural gift
- Happiness
- Luck
- Parenthood
- Democracy
- Freedom
- Lie
- Wisdom
Paper Structure
In order to understand how to write a definition essay, you should know what its structural elements are and what information they aim to provide. Thus, a definition essay consists of the following components:
Introductory paragraph. Here, you need to present the very definition you are going to examine. You may also impart some intriguing facts about the chosen term to interest readers in the topic. After that, you should provide a statement opposing your term to show the contrast between two provided notions. At the end of this section, you should present your own definition of the term which you will investigate when producing your work.
Body section. In this part, you should cover the aspects which your own interpretation of the definition consists of. You may provide additional data about the term you are examining. Mind that every aspect should be discussed in a separate paragraph.
Aspect 1: It should present the first element of your notion. Give clear examples.
Aspect 2: It should highlight the second element of your definition. Analyze the matter thoroughly and present good examples.
Aspect 3, etc., if needed.
Conclusion. It should sum up the points you have discussed in your paper. Additionally, in this section, you can mention the statement which you have made at the beginning of the introduction to grab readers’ attention.
Wonderful Definition Essay Examples
Some people may think that a feminist is a person who hates men and goes through the streets with posters containing angry slogans against men. Nevertheless, there is a more common definition of such term as feminist. This is a person either man or woman who is convinced that women should have the rights equal to those of men. The more people understand it, the more women will accept such an arguable idea. Being a feminist does not mean being worse than anyone else. It means having the same rights as all people.
When we hear the term “intelligence,” Albert Einstein or any other well-known bright man or woman springs to mind. Nonetheless, I would say that intelligence should be evaluated in another way. Being intelligent does not mean being the best student in the class. It goes about possessing communicative and interpersonal skills, being aware of different social notions, etc. The mentioned issues definitely influence people’s lives. That is why it is worth saying that educational institutions should not only develop students’ intellectual abilities but also help them adapt to different areas of life.