Perfect Approach to Checking Readability of a Text
A present-day field of communication is really demanding. It is so much busy that there is little time left for details, but at the same time it requires scrutiny and careful attention to every minor aspect. Writing needs to be both clear and accurate and it is a great challenge to ensure that. Your content will be effective only if it is accessible for the readers. Every writer, no matter whether they are marketing managers, bloggers, or teachers, they should take care of readability of their texts. The right readability score of the written content makes sure that it can target the intended audience and produce the right impact on the readers. What is the key idea of effective communication? It is sending the right message in the proper way which does not require great effort from the readers to understand it. Have a look at the ten smart ways to improve the readability of the text and achieve the set goals for every writer.
10 Excellent Techniques for Checking the Readability of Content
Do you know how to identify the readability score of your text? Have you ever heard about the flesch kincaid score? This readability score test is really convenient to use and the grade level that assesses the reading level of any text is specified according to a formula which has a lot of applications. For instance, if the reading level checker shows level 7, it means that the reader will understand the text if he has level 7 of reading. Nevertheless, even advanced readers will find it convenient to read this text as it will require less effort and time.
Still, if you cannot apply complicated readability formulae to the text you have written, are there any smart techniques you can use to see whether your audience will find your content easy to read? For sure, there are a lot of them and we offer you to make use of the top ten of them!
Trick 1. Collect the opinions
There are some people you trust entirely. Try your content on them and ask for their feedback. Even if they are not proficient in the area you have written about, they can give you a hint whether the text makes them feel confused. You should keep in mind that it is a great art to write about complicated things in a simple manner.
Trick 2. Ask for an objective option from a neutral person
My mother is an excellent readability calculator for all my texts. She knows nothing about my disciplines of study. So, she reads my papers as fiction and lets me know if the message I send is clear. She lets me know about the sentences which are too lengthy for her and the jargon words that make her feel embarrassed. That is what I need to be sure that my readers will feel fine as well.
Trick 3. Think about your aunt Elly
When you do proofreading, try to read your text aloud and fancy someone like my mother’s sister. I picture her looking through the content and asking questions. Thus, you will know which parts you need to simplify, clarify with the help of extra details or even delete altogether.
Trick 4. Do not take more than three core themes to discuss
You should check on the readability statistic every time you want to address your readers with an important message. You cannot keep the content simple if there are multiple themes covered. Set a limit of two or three themes and you will do a great favor for your audience. That is a great method of being focused without distractions to irrelevant things.
Trick 5. Only concise things capture attention
Any grade level checker will identify issues with the text if the content is not clear. Too many lengthy sentences with sophisticated vocabulary make the readers bored at once. Brevity is the key to good sales and strong effect on the audience.
Trick 6. Try reading aloud
You will not need any definite readability levels if you try listening to the text you have composed. Looking at it, you skip important aspects which can turn reading into a challenge. Make sure that the text sounds right and then try using a reliable readability checker to see whether your perception is right. If it is, you can rely on your intuition the next time you have to be sure that the content is suitable for a target audience.
Trick 7. Play back your text on the computer
Modern technologies make it possible to do almost anything with the text. Use the function of playing the content back and listen to your text as if you were not the author but a part of the audience. Thus, you will feel distanced and you will be able to judge what you have written. It is always helpful to know how your text sounds to other people. After that, you will amend the content, style, and tone accordingly.
Trick 8. Draw parallels
If you try to explain complicated processes or things, you can draw parallels with common things from people’s lives. For example, bookshelves can be a great analogy for a human brain, or Lego pieces can be compared to APIs and other innovative technologies. If you try to give explanations in simple words with illustrations related to common things, flesch-kincaid reading level will be just the way you need it.
Trick 9. Cut down all lengthy sentences and break up chunks of content
Looking at the readability definition, you may conclude that making the long sentences shorter is a way to improve the effect the text produces. Actually, it is one of the techniques to improve the readability score, so try it for sure.
Trick 10. Use PlagiarismSearch or any other reliable software
Just copy paste the content into the software or upload the file from your computer to make sure that the writing gets better. Professional analysis of a paper is always a great idea as you will know which phrases are too complex, which word combinations should be restructured, which words will make the reading level calculator show high level and create obstacles for the readers.
Make the Text Readable and Proofread Your Writing Online
PlagiarismSearch can be an effective game-changer if you do not feel that writing is your strength. Its readability checker focuses on the mechanics of writing and flags all excessively complicated sections of the paper. It also offers an opportunity to benefit from an efficient grammar and spelling checker to be sure that the paper has no issues with vocabulary, word order, and sentence structures.
It is crucial to make sure that the readers can access your content and understand what you want them to know. Would you be happy to make your way through some text and decipher what the author wants to tell you? Not really! Then do not make your readers struggle like that, otherwise you will frustrate them and turn them away at once. Set a readability target for your text and make adjustments to make sure that your audience gets the right message!