Here’s How to Write a Blog Post Like a Professional
Everyone can write, but the cosmic energy of Pencraft transforms only the chosen ones into genuine Authors. So how can you become the one, how to attract the most eloquent indefatigable Muse and write at least one masterpiece?
I like such highfalutin comparisons for a reason: any writing style that allows you to express your thoughts informally and creatively is just dull without some imaginative passages and metaphors. Of course, I’m not superstitious to believe in the writer’s destiny. However, I truly believe that the Universe will resonate with your inner world, providing your mind with the favorable creative energy, if you strive to acquire the precious knowledge and constantly improve your skills.
The virtual dimension entices diverse individuals to become blog writers. Indeed, you can find a blog on any topic, but is it easy to discover a unique and inventive author of attention-grabbing articles? It’s likely you will have to dive into the depths of the “informational ocean” to find its hidden gems and inspiring brainchildren. So, let’s perceive blogging as a modern embodiment of writing ingenuity and revolutionize it together!
In this article, I’ll try to elucidate the main features of a creative blog post, providing guidelines on a decent self-expression of the blogging newbies through the effective writing techniques.
The Secrets of the Fruitful Writing Process
- Writer’s Block Banishing Spell
- Think Over Topics that Hypnotize
- Investigate Highly Intellectual Writers
Everything starts from… a writer’s block. It’s just too difficult to start, and even if you begin expressing your ideas, they seem to be unappealing and confusing. That’s funny, but you may experience a feigned writer’s block because this frustration and lack of ideas stem from the psychological limits you artificially invent in your brain. The problem of not only bloggers but of human beings, in general, is that we can’t get rid of some inner turmoil, which arises because of some routine tasks and troubles. Even professional writers tend to experience this creative crisis, those terrible moments of staring at the blank page and repeating immature ideas in their heads.
And you know what came into my mind? We should fight this writer’s block similarly to the banishment of boggarts! If you’re an avid reader, you will get what I’m trying to say. A boggart, created by J. K. Rowling for “Harry Potter” series, is a shape-shifting apparition able to turn into your greatest fear. So what is the biggest fear of all writers? A writer’s block, indeed! Despite the fact that you can’t see it but you can morally feel it, your creative nature should be able to visualize any images and plots. Try imagining your boggart as the most exhausting writer’s block and then turn it into something humorous or simply beautiful.
A block can be compared to a brick wall you can’t transcend, but why can’t you, considering the fact that it’s all in your head? Transform those mental bricks into a paper wall and rip it to shreds! Experiment with the images in your mind: make this wall a long scroll with calligraphic letters, instantly turning into the field of whimsical flowers where tender fairies build their tiny houses. The more picturesque plots you will imagine, even such playful and childish ones, the more relaxed your mind will become. You will suddenly sense that ideas flow like refreshing vernal streams.
You definitely realize that you should choose interesting topics for your blog posts. I’d say that “interesting” is not enough. Having studied your target audience, it’s important to inspire them to read your articles. So, focus on something hypnotizing, something that will keep your visitors glued to their smartphones and laptops in the process of reading your posts. The failure to magnetize readers and make them your constant audience leads to withdrawing into the shadows of the World Wide Web.
How can you find such hypnotizing topics? You have more benefits in comparison to content writers if you have the freedom to describe your own passions, and even create brief narrations about yourself. When you’re fond of the particular topic, you can write about it emphatically and cunningly. Of course, your interests should coincide with the preferences of your audience. For instance, if you like discussing literature, try to attract enthusiastic bookworms.
It’s essential to hook your readers right from the start, so various linguistic experiments, vibrant figurative language, and the intrigue of your topic should create the mesmerizing effect.
My greatest inspiration always comes from classic literature. I adore exploring all those exemplary authors, such as Ray Bradbury, Hermann Hesse, Aldous Huxley, H. P. Lovecraft and others, writing styles of which can be compared to the carving of impeccable marble sculptures. Such writers embody the intellectual elite. Their knowledge and imagery are incredible. It’s always beneficial to learn from prodigies, so I would not recommend searching for minimalism and simplicity, especially if your blog is creative.
If you master the intricacies of sophisticated writing, you’ll be able to create both simple and complex storylines and articles. Just beware of imitation, which leads directly to plagiarism. When reading great authors, you’re just an apprentice, searching for your unique path.
Time Management in Blog Writing
How long does it take to write a blog post? Though it’s difficult to answer precisely, sometimes, the circumstances demand you to produce a new article promptly. The experienced bloggers know how to write a blog post in 20 minutes. Though it seems to be a scarce amount of time, it’s possible to cope with the task owing to the previous preparation. I’d recommend:
- Noting down the main ideas beforehand
- Preparing the required images
- Avoiding any distractions in the process of writing
Blog Post as the Self-Description
Before you practice generating posts on specific topics, you should know how to write a blog post about yourself. Write freely and effortlessly, inventing your adorable brainchildren. The technique of “the flow of consciousness” often helps to generate the wittiest ideas. In the process, don’t think about grammar and stylistic mistakes because they should be edited in the end. Such posts give you a creative freedom, which means your narrative can be as imaginative as possible.
Since I’ve focused on the fictional aspect of pencraft, I’d advise you to write an unusual story about yourself in the literary genre of magic realism, in which you can combine both facts and fantasies. Bookworms will appreciate such an approach!
Many beginners are mistaken, thinking that the creation of a compelling blog post doesn’t require a profound writing mastery if to compare it with the aspiration to write an entire book or if anything, a fictional story. It doesn’t matter what you write, but your oeuvres, even small ones, should reflect your inner strivings and an impressive erudition. That’s how knights of the pen are born.