Honestly about Academic Dishonesty: PlagiarismSearch on Guard of Fairness
Just imagine that you are facing a dilemma. You have a task to complete and you know for sure that you can get all the answers from your friend easily. What is more, you are sure that no one will check plagiarism online. Will you cheat? Probably not, but if you are pressed for time, your headache is splitting, your peers have organized a party, or you just do not feel like writing, the likelihood that you will not be honest is much higher than a zero. Cheating has always been common among the students, even in the subjects which are not intimidating at all. The problem has become even more pressing in the pandemic times and it seems absolutely unrealistic to assume that there will be no incentives in the future. Is there anybody who would give away an opportunity to get the free ride? Unlikely! It is too tempting for one to get something almost without any effort taken.
Why Do Students Cheat? Plagiarism Check that Can Mend the Situation
Students do cheat. It is a fundamental truth. Nevertheless, there should be an adequate punishment for cheating and academic dishonesty which would fit the committed crime. Hence, that requires a reliable plagiarism checker that can prevent any cheating on writing assignments, exams, and tests. PlagiarismSearch in the Moodle LMS is a tool that can eliminate the students’ temptation and create a culture that sweeps away the wish to steal someone’s ideas.
So, the first question is what makes students plagiarize their papers. Actually, the range of reasons is huge: from poor knowledge of a particular topic to an intention to bend the rules. In general, students do not care about the originality of their writing because:
- they want to be successful in their studies;
- they are not sure they will succeed if they complete tasks themselves;
- they have poor skills of time management;
- they believe no one will check the plagiarism in their papers;
- they feel secure as they know that their university staff use a plagiarism checker that cannot detect all the copied parts;
- they are unaware of the university policies.
Plagiarizing, the students make the professors evaluate the tasks completed by others and show disrespect both to the instructors and their peers in class. It is essential to let all the students know about the peculiar features of Moodle LMS and plagiarism check conducted to ensure fair assessment of students’ works.
There are numerous forms of cheating even in the world-class universities, and even the most innocent of them are absolutely unacceptable. What they actually do is undermining the standards of education and devaluing the qualifications of those who have earned their knowledge owing to hard work and diligence. It is a matter of crucial concern for the education providers to ensure tackling and prevention of this academic misconduct. They can install Moodle plugin for PlagiarismSearch and find a perfect solution for the problem of academic dishonesty.
We Check the Plagiarism and Warn the Students: Do Not Cheat!
It is absolutely clear why cheating seems to be the best solution for the students. They can find dozens of reasons to sell themselves the idea that they just cannot behave differently. With all due respect to their personal circumstances, we cannot accept any of them. What we would like to give is a list of six solid reasons why the students should actually drop the idea of cheating at universities!
- Students get caught!
- Students do not acquire the required knowledge and skills
- Cheating can become a lifetime habit
- Cheating ruins dreams and a sense of accomplishment
If a student does not properly credit someone’s ideas or even exact words, he or she will be committing plagiarism which leads to serious grade penalties, disciplinary actions, failing a certain assignment or the whole course, suspension from the university or even expulsion! It is a black mark on an academic record, which will bring a lot of issues in the future career. An efficient Moodle plugin, such as PlagiarismSearch, will make it possible for the professors to evaluate the level of originality in every paper and give the feedback for the students immediately.
New things to learn in a certain sphere mostly build on the previously acquired knowledge. This cumulative nature of studying implies that any new cheating makes the gap wider. The needed skillsets are not developed adequately and the critical thinking, argument analysis, and persuasive speaking remain at the low level. It sounds rather ironically, but the use of a plagiarism detection engine by a university brings its benefits not for the university, but for the students in a long-term perspective.
According to a well-known theory of broken windows, any urban environment with visible signs of disorder, vandalism, and anti-social acts gives encouragement for further crime. It states that only immediate targeting of all minor wrongdoings can create an atmosphere of lawfulness. Same with plagiarism, only an effective plagiarism checker for university can make sure than insignificant non-compliance cases will not grow into a huge problem of overall cheating. Dishonest behavior in college gives a push to lying at work, fudging with taxes, introducing the practices of unethical entrepreneurship, and so on.
The students are afraid of their university plagiarism checker, but actually such tools as PlagiarismSearch save their personal integrity and high esteem. High grades become a source of price, not just the product to buy and sell.
Why PlagiarismSearch Plugin for Moodle LMS Is a Perfect Choice for Educators
A parallel between plagiarizing and speeding on the roads is evident. All the drivers know for sure that speeding is strictly forbidden. Still, there are few of them who have never done that. If the weather is great and there is no issue with the road at all, it is natural to assume that the risk of a car accident is low. What is another limiting factor? For sure, it is the fear of being caught and the consequences of that. A university can install a plugin in Moodle and have PlagiarismSearch monitor all the students’ papers, comparing them both to the online resources and the internal databases. Will it work as a limiting factor for the students willing to cheat? For sure! The fear of being caught and punished is a powerful factor that motivates the drivers to have respect for the law and the students to be honest in their studies.
Precise similarity check ensured by PlagiarismSearch plugin for Moodle LMS catches plagiarism from billions of web pages and internal databases to prevent any fraudulent qualifications. This tool is a guard that prevents stealing and tracks down the thieves. This efficient plagiarism checker for university contributes to a noble common goal of eliminating dishonesty the sphere of education and improving the level of learning services. It is still tempting for the students to spend just a few minutes on a complicated task and submit it timely by mere copying the ideas from somewhere. Nevertheless, they will think twice before plagiarizing if they know that every word in their papers will be closely analyzed and evaluated by PlagiarismSearch.