Reflection about the Meaning of Originality
You are going to visit an exhibition and the tickets cost a fortune. Why is it so? There are hundreds of exhibits there, but the price goes up as there is an original draft of one ...
You are going to visit an exhibition and the tickets cost a fortune. Why is it so? There are hundreds of exhibits there, but the price goes up as there is an original draft of one ...
Academic dishonesty has, unfortunately, become a part of school reality. Students are not capable of getting high grades and they plagiarize and cheat instead of exerting more ...
You are building your content strategy now and you have already started questioning every step you are making. What is your biggest fear? You are not sure that you can avoid ...
Recently, our Communications Manager, Melissa Anderson, shared her thoughts about the role of plagiarism detection in the modern technologically-driven education system in an ...
What does this year of 2022 have in store for the teachers? The changes in the education world are always much faster than in any other field. Owing to a new attitude to learning ...
Identifying plagiarism has become a common procedure for the majority of schools. The use of software for plagiarism detection is no longer a luxury. Instead, it has turned into a ...
Have you checked your calendar? There is a special day coming on February 19! Who would ever have thought that there is a Plagiarism Prevention Day marked! Still, since 2015 it has been observed annually and it makes sense, doesn’t it?
You have given birth to your first child and it seems to you that you have chosen a unique name you have not heard even once from the people you know. The first day you go outside with a pram, you hear this name from every other neighbor.
You are a diligent and ambitious student and you try to do your best to excel in your studies. You are well aware of all the risks and consequences of plagiarizing and you never do anything to break the rules of academic integrity. Is that all true about you?
‘It would be great if I could write my essays without any citations. Citing makes me so much bored!’ For sure, your life would become much easier if you did not have to look for sources or learning the rules of formatting. Still, it would not be fair, right? Let’s be honest, if you know how to cite sources it means that you give tribute to the authors of the previous studies.