The Importance of Being Thankful
Two Magic Words
Thank you – just because you are a true friend, a caring mother, a responsible father, a profound teacher, an honest-minded doctor, an inspiring artist, and simply a kind-hearted person… Whoever you are, thank you for remaining on the side of Light, on the path of virtues.
Being thankful is a good quality we must display not only on Thanksgiving. However, this traditional holiday reminds us of the importance to express and embody gratitude in our daily deeds, in our unfeigned personalities. Abraham Lincoln turned Thanksgiving into a national holiday for the citizens of the United States of America in 1863. You may also have heard the story about pilgrims and their common harvest feast with Native Americans in the 17th century. On this special day, there was a plenty of food shared between the indigenous pagans and enlightened Christians. They represented diversity, which smoked the peace pipe and, at the same time, indulged in food abundance without greed, putting any negative thoughts aside.
If I delve into the details of the first Thanksgiving Day, I risk to intertwist history as I haven’t been there myself and I cannot trust all the available sources. As you know, traditions are entwined with myths. For good or ill, human imagination has always been a powerful tool. That is why only ghosts of the past know whether the food was shared equally, whether everyone respected each other and did not plot against “the hostile tribes”. For this reason, I do not dedicate this article to the roots of Thanksgiving. I just wish everyone in the world had enough food today and any other day. With that in mind, I do not crave to overeat because I know that many people in the world cannot even dream of the rich Thanksgiving dinner the lucky ones are enjoying this very moment.
I would like to pay your attention to the essence of giving thanks. I would like you to confess to yourself that sometimes you do not show the gratitude even for those people who had to be nearest and dearest. Simply answer these questions: How many thanks haven’t you given deliberately? Have you ever thanked insincerely? Do you truly appreciate what you currently have? Do you take the gratitude of others for granted? I say “you”, but I also mean myself. Everyone of us is guilty of not being thankful at one point in time. Let us recall all those situations when we acted selfishly, when we weren’t thankful. From this very moment, let us not forget to show the gratitude to the world. Believe me, the Universe is a sophisticated organism and it reacts to our indifference harshly, even if we do not notice it at first. It also rewards our positive deeds. The simple sincere “Thank You” carries an immense amount of positive energy within itself.
How Gratitude Influences Your Life
Appreciation at Work. Have you ever pondered on the essence of overworking? I mean, why do people often overwork of their own accord? There is a simple answer: the majority of overachievers are usually praised by their managers. This praise is also interrelated with the amount and frequency of “Thanks” the employees receive. When your boss says, “Thank you for your work” or “I greatly appreciate your time and efforts”, it works as a magic trigger for your brain – it makes you feel satisfied and, at the same time, you obtain a special craving to manifest yourself even more positively. Indeed, these constant “gratitude marks” slightly resemble manipulation. However, no sane boss will thank his worker for bad results. Naturally, sincere thankfulness makes you feel more confident, and when your self-esteem is adequately high, your results also become better. So, think about it, how many thanks do you receive every day?
The Equilibrium of Thanks. Reflecting on the important things I haven’t been thankful for, I also realize that it should not be a fixed idea in one’s mind. Ironically, it may lead to “overthanking” for nothing. It actually undervalues the main aspect of gratitude that is connected with your natural ability to display kindness. We say “Thank you” automatically, the same way as we say “Sorry”. However, these words still have their power. Just imagine you constantly buy something in the shop but you never thank the salesman. At least, it will be rude. It can also guarantee you a bad reputation of a morose person, resembling Mr. Scrooge in his infamous “humbug days”.
Grateful People Have Higher Emotional Intelligence. Gratefulness is tightly connected with empathy. Being grateful means understanding people’s vulnerability and significance. If you say “Thank You” with all your heart, it means you are able to accept good deeds from others and you comprehend the importance to give as well. Thankfulness provides support, which is an indispensable element of compassion and humanness. The gratitude is the capability to cooperate, help, and relate. This is a sign of a philanthropic personality.
Quotes that Inspire to Thank Thoughtfully
“Thank You” is your daily mantra of happiness. These words easily break the ice, evoke positive vibrations, and prove that we all have the potential to make a difference. The magic of gratitude eradicates barriers between human beings and endows our lives with transcendental depth.
P.S. We are grateful that you have chosen us for your authentic strivings.