Kinds of Plagiarism
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Kinds of Plagiarism

Research and plagiarism are two very different activities. But it is often hard to find the apparent cut between these two. There are times when researchers get to the point of a detour from a real study to mere plagiarism either unintentionally or not. Moreover, some forms of plagiarism occur in a very confusing manner. Thus, it is fitting for us to be aware of how plagiarism may take place to prevent all forms of it.

No references mentioned

  1. “The Potluck Paper”A range of sources are used where sentences are taken from but these statements are then altered for personal interest of owning the certain concept. Altered statements are coherently organized to one great idea.
  2. “The Ghost Writer”One presents someone else’s work which is completely copied and not modified and owning it.
  3. “The Labor of Laziness”
    One exerts effort in plagiarizing as he or she paraphrase the original statements of others and coherently put into his or her paper, presenting it as his or her own.
  4. 4. “The Photocopy”
    The researcher uses relevant points and words from an original text without tweaking it.
  5. “The Poor Disguise”
    This is just like paraphrasing. Some words are altered but the main ideas of other authors are still obviously and intentionally copied.
  6. “The Self-Stealer”
    The researcher uses again some ideas from his or her earlier work that may violate terms or conditions in the submission of that preceding paper.

References are mentioned but still involves plagiarism

  1. “The Too-Perfect Paraphrase”
    One disregards to apply quotation marks on statements directly taken from other authors and contents which are copied completely from a source though there is proper citation found in the paper. This would lead to misinterpretation that you own those ideas.
  2. “The Forgotten Footnote”
    The researcher forgets or neglects to include a source in the section for references and sources though he or she has mentioned the author in the body of the paper along with the copied ideas.
  3. “The Perfect Crime”
    The researcher includes the proper citation of the ideas copied from others but neglects to also include the sources other arguments which are seemingly copied too. Thus, plagiarism still takes place for owning some ideas which are not yours though you have cited the references of other ideas found in your paper.
  4. “The Resourceful Citer”
    The researcher has proper citations of all sources he or she used in the paper but the problem of plagiarism occurs also when almost everything that your work contains are taken from others’ concepts. Thus, the paper may appear to be not yours but of others especially when you have used so many sources and have utilized various concepts to present.
  5. “The Misinformer”
    There is no accurate citation which misleads readers and the teacher. This may confuse the readers in tracing the sources.
Melissa Anderson
Born in Greenville, North Carolina. Studied Commerce at Pitt Community College. Volunteer in various international projects aimed at environmental protection.
Former Customer Service Manager at OpenTeam | Former Company secretary at Chicago Digital Post | PlagiarismSearch Communications Manager
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