Readability score checker

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Upgraded readability checker

You are welcome to try our Advanced Readability Checker, which embodies an improved version of the Flesch Grade Level Calculator. Your texts will be methodically assessed using a particular Flesch Grade Level formula.

We implemented the Flesch Kincaid Calculator into our Readability Tool, as it efficiently generates the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score and a Flesch Readability Ease score to discern not only the general readability of your content, but also identify more intricate flaws in your work. Consequently, you will not see merely the percentage of readability, as our checker will specify useful recommendations on the ultimate score for your text. For instance, you will see the exact sentences that are vague or complicated. The tool will also discern complex or wordy phrases and redundant terminology, along with tautologies, superfluous intermediate clauses, and the misuse of Passive Voice.

Readability checker acceptance

Our trained specialists will scrutinize your piece of writing thoroughly to detect any possible mistakes. When analyzing papers, close attention is paid to the following aspects:

  • Simple text
    Paste your text into our web-based software to get instant analysis and recommended improvements.
  • Your files
    Check your documents in all available formats (doc, docx, txt, RTF, PDF, xls, xlsx, html, epub, xml, odt, org etc.).
  • Website URL
    Insert the link into the software to check readability score of the entire website page.
  • Dropbox & OneDrive
    If your text is stored in Dropbox or OneDrive, it is convenient to upload it into the readability checker directly.

Why is readability quintessential for any written work?

If your content is barely readable, it means you will fail to achieve the main purpose of writing it – attract your target audience. Thus, you should be focused on making your text readable, or, in other words, comprehensible.

There is one significant aspect to remember: the readability of your content should be correlated with the intellectual level of your audience. Note: a low readability score may not always refer to your text’s incomprehensibility.

Written works of higher academic levels, such as Master’s and PhD, often have low readability scores, which predominantly indicate sophisticated terminology.

However, if your audience consists of scholars, those “unfathomable terms” will be typically used in the field under investigation.

So, basically, a well-written complex scholarly text is not technically unreadable, but the unprepared readers cannot understand it.

In any case, you should make your content totally readable for your target audience. Your text should grab attention, evoke interest, and instigate interaction between the ones knowledgeable in your sphere.

Who needs to check readability score?

  • Students
    If you are one of those students who barely cope with their academic load, it is likely you need to receive useful hints to improve your writing skills. Therefore, our Readability Checker can turn into your life-saver. You will instantly see the drawbacks in your essays and you will learn to eliminate those flaws owing to our tool.
  • Websites owners
    Imagine a website full of obscure language and indiscernible terms. You will lose your potential customers if the content on your pages looks vague. Although it may seem that people rarely read your texts, they actually notice all the mistakes or unusual sentences. Consequently, it is highly advisable to scan your content via our Readability Checker.
  • Marketers
    If you promote something, you should do it in an enticing manner. If your products require detailed descriptions, they have to appeal to your prospective customers. Just ask yourself, “Will modern busy audience ever read lengthy and intricate texts?” Of course, the answer is “No.” Using our Readability Checker will make your marketing strategies illuminating even to the most demanding clients. You will forget about advertising opacity once and for all!
  • Content writers
    You may have brilliant ideas for your articles, you may be able to generate unique content, but are you able to make it in a concise manner? If you do not check the readability of your articles, there is a risk they will be declined by your stringent editors or supervisors. Content writing is flawless writing, and even if there are some flaws, they should be invisible.

How to define a readability score?

If to look at a technical side of a readability score, it unravels a special computer-calculated index. This very index denotes an educational level required to comprehend a specific content without difficulty.

The readability checker made by PlagiarismSearch specialists employs well-proven readability formulas, which were previously tested by content-generating professionals.

Moreover, we have also come up with our unique scoring techniques that can deeply scrutinize any written content, from small essays to huge clusters of text on a multi-layered website.

Our readability checker will generate definitive suggestions to improve your content significantly. As the final score of your text’s readability directly depends on its academic or professional level, it makes each readability detection unique.

0-10 Readability Grade may be sufficient for dissertations and complex creative oeuvres, while the same score is not desirable for mass media articles or typical college research papers.

The determining factors for comprehensive readability scorings are:
  • Typical length of sentences
  • General number of syllables
  • The equilibrium between familiar and unfamiliar words
  • The equilibrium between simple and complex sentences
  • Multi-syllable words percentage
  • Typical length of words

The particularities of the Flesch reading ease test

The general readability of a text is determined by the Flesch reading ease test, which was specifically elaborated for this purpose. In order to measure the readability score of a given content effectively, two variables are applied:

the typical or average sentence length
statistically average number of syllables per every word

After the tool completes the analysis based on the Flesch reading ease test, it generates a score between 0 and 100. If your score is from 90% to 100%, it implies your content is extremely comprehensible, even for elementary school readers. In contrast, if your score is from 0% to 10%, it implies that your content is intricate, am biguous, or intended for a narrow audience of specialists highly competent in a particular sphere.

There are also average scores, some of which are closer to the complex level of readability, and others are closer to the simple level of readability. Our table below elucidates all levels of Readability Score, which encompass Adult Reading Level, Comments, and Suggestions.

The fundamental algorithm of the test itself discerns lengthy sentences and words as difficult to read. Thus, even if your scientific text is satiated with complicated terms, your sentences should not be too extensive. If it is possible to shorten a certain sentence, dividing it into two or even more, so better opt for the optimal length. At least, it is difficult to comprehend a scholarly paper that consists only of long over structured [М1] sentences. Even academicians may find such lengthy complicated paragraphs difficult to read. Therefore, such a text will obtain the lowest score. Logically, a piece full of brief sentences with short words will get the highest score.

History of The Flesch Reading Ease Test

Rudolph Flesch, who worked for the Associated Press as a quality consultant, attempted to come up with a special technique to make each newspaper article more readable, in accordance with the demands of each target audience. This way, he invented The Flesch Reading Ease test in the 1940s. The readability test provided by Flesch appeared to be a ground-breaking invention. It greatly improved the quality not only of the Associated Press articles, but also influenced the creation of similar readability scores to check all the written texts possible. However, the initial formula was quite difficult to use by ordinary reporters and writers. Hence, when thirty years passed after the Flesch presented his idea, Peter Kincaid along with his Navy researchers’ team took up the formula and facilitated its implementation. From that moment on, the general name of this readability test became The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score.

Basic Framework of the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level Score

The calculation of the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score interrelates the scanned test with a grade level equal to the one of the United States. However, unlike the Flesch-Kincaid score, which makes a score of 8.4 equal to the comprehension of an average 8th grade student, our readability tool discerns 61-70% as the typical score for students of this academic level.

Anyway, the Flesch-Kincaid formula is applied to versatile readability checkers despite their possible discrepant and uniquely programmed features.

Determining factors:

Average Word Length
Average Sentence Length

Are you interested in finding out your readability score?

If you need to check your texts for readability regularly, our scanner will become your daily assistant, which will contribute to the progress of your writing. Every time you scan a new text, you will see various scores and suggestions, which will help you eradicate previous mistakes and make your content as comprehensible as possible. It works simply: you upload your text and our readability checker applies its state-of-the-art algorithms to produce the most accurate legibility score.

This tool will be especially valued by students, content creators, copywriters, web developer, marketing specialists, SEO and SMM experts, bloggers, and basically anyone who creates written pieces. Our readability checker will help you to polish your work, making it more eloquent, meaningful, and comprehensible for your target audience. What are you waiting for? Check out the readability tool today and start improving your website to better reach your target audience. Check your text for readability right away. The result will surprise you!

Feedback of our Customers


How to improve your writing level by using the Flesch reading ease score

If we think about a simple fact: a good writer is a good reader, then we can also easily assume that being a decent writer means knowing your audience well. Having evaluated the target readers of your potential text, you can start the actual writing process. This task is simpler if your content is suitable for a wide audience.

For instance, every literate adult person can have a relatively equal comprehension of such topics as fashion, tourism, ecology, time management, business coaching, motherhood, gender diversity, etc. Still, you may also use some applicable complex terms from time to time, which will influence your general readability score. The most essential aspect to remember: a low readability score does not always indicate that your text was written ambiguously. However, if you do not produce a sophisticated scientific work, a low readability score may point to overcomplication in specific sentences. For instance, an ordinary article for a blog, which discloses an abundance of highfalutin sentences will look inappropriate. However, it would be strange to simplify idiosyncratic scholarly language only for the sake of getting a medium to high Readability score. Thus, only an individual case shows whether it is beneficial to get a lower score or to get a higher score.

Besides showing the exact score of your text’s legibility, the checker will provide you with valuable comments and recommendations, which are aimed at making your writing style more coherent and linguistically appropriate. It will surely help you to come up with the most favorable vocabulary and concise sentence structures.

If you want to check your text for readability,

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Start checking

The following two suggestions will make your Flesch reading ease score feedback more beneficial:

Make your sentences more succinct

Not everyone perceives the advice to shorten your sentences correctly. It does not mean that your text should be full of short sentences. However, if it is possible not to make your sentence too extensive, then it is better to divide it into two average-length sentences. Succinct sentences are more appealing to your readers. It helps your audience not to use all their energy and attention to interpret your complex and long-winded writing. Shorter sentences will definitely contribute to higher readability score.

Do not misuse complicated terms

Even when you produce a scholarly work, such as a dissertation, it should not be difficult for your readers’ perception. An experienced specialist will also sense the unnecessary exhaustion when reading a work full of terms and complicated elucidations. It is also generally stated that it is more complicated to comprehend words that contain more than four syllables. If it is possible to change one complex term for a simpler word, go for it! However, in certain cases, scientific terms cannot be interchangeable or do not have the appropriate synonyms. In contrast, when writing something informal, you are even allowed to use slang and jargon.

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