AI detection

In-depth analysis of the text to specify the probability of AI tools usage
Перетягніть файли сюди
завантажити документи для перевірки AI

Ваші файли були успішно подані для перевірки на плагіат. перевірить ваш документ на плагіат на основі мільярдів веб-сторінок. Перевірка зазвичай завершується протягом 1 хвилини, але може також зайняти 2-5 хвилин.

Ви можете завантажити нові файли або відстежувати статус перевірки на плагіат на вашій сторінці для звітів.

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125.95 / рік
5 000 000 слова
215.95 / рік

Best Solution to Detect AI-Written Content

An urgent need in a reliable AI checker made us introduce a tool that can be of great use in the spheres of education, recruitment, social writing, media, and others. In case you need to figure out whether the document was generated with the help of AI, you can use our classifier to get a score of probability that the entire text is not human-written. It is also possible to launch classification at the level of particular sentences to detect a probability of mixed content with both AI and human-generated content included.

Thus, this AI content detector flags the cases which require further investigation and discussion between the students and instructors, authors and editors, and so on. Although there are certain limitations in the use of the classifier caused by impressive diversity and fast development of AI-generated content, it works across numerous models of AI language, such as ChatGPT, LLaMA, GPT-2, GPT-3, and others. Training of the model takes place on the basis of pairs of AI-produced and human-written articles in various disciplines.

We would like to emphasize that the score you get should be used not as an undeniable verdict but as a part of holistic assessment and reason to start a discussion with the supposed author of the text. Please note that the accuracy of our AI writing detector is higher at the level of the entire document. So, the results of checking the whole text are more precise that those of a paragraph or a sentence.

24/7 Support
Feel free to contact our support team at any time and enjoy instant assistance.
Reasonable prices
We provide high-quality services at affordable prices.

Advantages of Our AI Checker

Our AI-generated content and GPT detector exceeds other models in functions for a number of reasons:

  • Accuracy
    Testing of different AI detectors proved that it is the best among others in terms of reliability.
  • Continuous improvements
    The technologies we use make it possible to ensure excellent performance and using extra training at a regular basis. We do not merely use the free outputs of open-source models. Instead, we try to improve the accuracy of detection and ensuring the most precise assessments of originality.
  • Safety
    Users can adopt digital technologies and detect AI content, being sure that they are secure. Our number one priority is satisfaction of the users.
  • No data storage
    We never collect any information from the submitted documents using API.
  • Speed
    It takes a few seconds only to get the most detailed findings from our chat GPT detector.
  • Unprecedented confidence of the users
    You can be sure that we offer the best coverage and understanding of complicated text patterns in your documents.

How to Check whether the Text is AI-Generated

  • Step 1
    Create a new account or sign in if you have one. Please note that you have to provide your actual email.
  • Step 2
    Choose the most suitable pricing plan.
  • Step 3
    Submit the document you need to check for AI generated text
  • Step 4
    Get our findings and an accurate score

AI Content Detector API

Integrate our detector into your business platforms or custom workflows of creating content. All users of our tool have key access to API. Get a massive improvement to your business with our help.

Please contact us to receive a unique proposal for AI Content Detector API

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