Once the report is checked, you will receive information about its status (and any additional details) to your callback url.


https://report.callback_url or https://user.callback_url


  POST [
      "id" => 100500, // report id
      "report":  // full JSON report data
          "id": "100500",
          "remote_id": "",
          "user_id": "1",
          "title": "Title of report",
          "text": "The agreement has contributed to increasing revenue disparity...",
          "length": 380, // count checked words
          "length_raw": 403, // count words
          "created": "1502725786",
          "modified": "1504104007",
          "notified": "0",
          "status": "2",
          "filter_chars": 1, // only latin characters
          "filter_references": 1, // exclude references
          "filter_quotes": 1, // exclude in-text citations
          "language": "en", // auto detect language of text
          "plagiat": 10.5, // plagiarism percent (deprecated)
          "plagiarism": 10.5, // plagiarism percent
          "ai_probability": 50.5, // (float or null) The percentage of likelihood that the whole text was AI generated
          "ai_average_probability": 68.44, // (float or null) The total percentage of AI generated passages in the text
          "similarity": 10.5, // plagiarism percent
          "originality": 89.5, // originality percent
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          "search_storage_filter": [
              "file_id": [100, 500], // exclude local file ids from storage search
              "user_id": [100, 500], // exclude local user ids from storage search
              "group_id": [100, 500], // exclude local group (course) ids from storage search
          "status_ex": "checked", // text status (deprecated)
          "status_label": "checked", // text status
          "file": "https://plagiarismsearch.com/reports/download/100500?key=54fba6bc7d765cab653f2185a83284a6" // public pdf report url
          "link": "https://plagiarismsearch.com/reports/100500?key=54fba6bc7d765cab653f2185a83284a6",  // public html report URL
          "files": [
              { // public EN pdf report URL version 3
                "url": "https://plagiarismsearch.com/r/download/100500?key=54fba6bc7d765cab653f2185a83284a6",
                "type": "application/pdf",
                "language": "en",
                "version": 3
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                "url": "https://plagiarismsearch.com/es/r/download/100500?key=54fba6bc7d765cab653f2185a83284a6",
                "type": "application/pdf",
                "language": "es",
                "version": 3
              { // public PL pdf report URL version 3
                "url": "https://plagiarismsearch.com/pl/r/download/100500?key=54fba6bc7d765cab653f2185a83284a6",
                "type": "application/pdf",
                "language": "pl",
                "version": 3
              { // public EN pdf report URL version 1 (current)
                "url": "https://plagiarismsearch.com/reports/download/100500?key=54fba6bc7d765cab653f2185a83284a6",
                "type": "application/pdf",
                "language": "en",
                "version": 1